Replication R Code for

Crime under-reporting in Bogotá: a spatial panel model with fixed effects

Chanci, Kumbhakar, and Sandoval, 2023. Crime under-reporting in Bogotá: a spatial panel model with fixed effects. Empirical Economics . Doi: s00181-023-02517-4

1. Setup

Working directory and packages. See footnote 17 on the paper for more details.

Pkg   <-   c("spdep" , "spatialreg" , "tmap", "sf", "haven","tidyverse", 
             "rgdal", "splm" , "plm" , "frontier" , "texreg")

invisible(lapply(Pkg, library, character.only = TRUE))

setwd("D:/OneDrive - Corporación Santo Tomas/2_Research/ProyectoInterno/Estimation")

1.1. Spatial Weights Matrix: the SWM created after editing shapefiles in ArcGIS

# The SWM (created using Arcgis)
W  <- './gis/ArcGISpro_project/Wn3_for_R.txt' %>% 
                                            read.table %>% 
WQ <- './gis/ArcGISpro_project/WnQ_for_R.txt' %>% 
                                            read.table %>% 

nobs <- dim(W)[1]

1.2. Dataset: Loading the dataset prepared from crime reports processed in Stata

# Dataset (previously cleaned using Stata):
Data   <- './data/regression_data_cuadrante.dta' %>% 
                                                read_dta %>%   

Crimes <- c('TheftHo', # Residential Burglary
            'PersInj', # Personal Injuries
            'Homicid', # Homicides
            'TheftPe', # Theft and Robbery
            'Extorsi', # Extortion
            'Sexualc'  # Sexual Assault
aCr    <- paste0( "asinh_", Crimes) 

2. Descriptive Statistics (Table 1)

2.1. Summary Statistics

Data %>%
    select(all_of(Crimes)) %>% 
                    na.omit %>% 
                            summary(., digits=1)
##     TheftHo       PersInj       Homicid        TheftPe       Extorsi    
##  Min.   :  0   Min.   :  0   Min.   : 0.0   Min.   :  0   Min.   : 0.0  
##  1st Qu.:  1   1st Qu.:  4   1st Qu.: 0.0   1st Qu.: 13   1st Qu.: 0.0  
##  Median :  3   Median :  8   Median : 0.5   Median : 29   Median : 0.1  
##  Mean   :  4   Mean   : 11   Mean   : 1.0   Mean   : 45   Mean   : 0.4  
##  3rd Qu.:  5   3rd Qu.: 14   3rd Qu.: 1.3   3rd Qu.: 57   3rd Qu.: 0.5  
##  Max.   :136   Max.   :516   Max.   :16.0   Max.   :622   Max.   :11.0  
##     Sexualc     
##  Min.   :  0.0  
##  1st Qu.:  0.4  
##  Median :  1.0  
##  Mean   :  1.8  
##  3rd Qu.:  2.2  
##  Max.   :183.0

2.2. Explorign spatial correlations (Moran’s I)

dta.m <- Data %>% 
            select(uniqueid, year, Crimes) %>%
                drop_na %>% 
                    group_by(uniqueid) %>% 
                        summarise_at(vars(Crimes), list(m = mean))

# Using Theoretical Values
lapply(dta.m[,2:7], moran.test, mat2listw(W), alternative="greater")
## $TheftHo_m
##  Moran I test under randomisation
## data:  X[[i]]  
## weights: mat2listw(W)    
## Moran I statistic standard deviate = 35.068, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## sample estimates:
## Moran I statistic       Expectation          Variance 
##      2.387576e-01     -9.541985e-04      4.672689e-05 
## $PersInj_m
##  Moran I test under randomisation
## data:  X[[i]]  
## weights: mat2listw(W)    
## Moran I statistic standard deviate = 10.148, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## sample estimates:
## Moran I statistic       Expectation          Variance 
##      6.716000e-02     -9.541985e-04      4.505075e-05 
## $Homicid_m
##  Moran I test under randomisation
## data:  X[[i]]  
## weights: mat2listw(W)    
## Moran I statistic standard deviate = 46.555, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## sample estimates:
## Moran I statistic       Expectation          Variance 
##      3.211545e-01     -9.541985e-04      4.787028e-05 
## $TheftPe_m
##  Moran I test under randomisation
## data:  X[[i]]  
## weights: mat2listw(W)    
## Moran I statistic standard deviate = 28.99, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## sample estimates:
## Moran I statistic       Expectation          Variance 
##      1.993324e-01     -9.541985e-04      4.773196e-05 
## $Extorsi_m
##  Moran I test under randomisation
## data:  X[[i]]  
## weights: mat2listw(W)    
## Moran I statistic standard deviate = 18.954, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## sample estimates:
## Moran I statistic       Expectation          Variance 
##      1.295184e-01     -9.541985e-04      4.738243e-05 
## $Sexualc_m
##  Moran I test under randomisation
## data:  X[[i]]  
## weights: mat2listw(W)    
## Moran I statistic standard deviate = 3.0741, p-value = 0.001056
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## sample estimates:
## Moran I statistic       Expectation          Variance 
##      1.144663e-02     -9.541985e-04      1.627279e-05

# Using Simulated Values
lapply(dta.m[,2:7],  , mat2listw(W), nsim=999, alternative="greater")
## $TheftHo_m
##  Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
## data:  X[[i]] 
## weights: mat2listw(W)  
## number of simulations + 1: 1000 
## statistic = 0.23876, observed rank = 1000, p-value = 0.001
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## $PersInj_m
##  Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
## data:  X[[i]] 
## weights: mat2listw(W)  
## number of simulations + 1: 1000 
## statistic = 0.06716, observed rank = 1000, p-value = 0.001
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## $Homicid_m
##  Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
## data:  X[[i]] 
## weights: mat2listw(W)  
## number of simulations + 1: 1000 
## statistic = 0.32115, observed rank = 1000, p-value = 0.001
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## $TheftPe_m
##  Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
## data:  X[[i]] 
## weights: mat2listw(W)  
## number of simulations + 1: 1000 
## statistic = 0.19933, observed rank = 1000, p-value = 0.001
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## $Extorsi_m
##  Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
## data:  X[[i]] 
## weights: mat2listw(W)  
## number of simulations + 1: 1000 
## statistic = 0.12952, observed rank = 1000, p-value = 0.001
## alternative hypothesis: greater
## $Sexualc_m
##  Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
## data:  X[[i]] 
## weights: mat2listw(W)  
## number of simulations + 1: 1000 
## statistic = 0.011447, observed rank = 987, p-value = 0.013
## alternative hypothesis: greater

3. Spatial Stochastic Panel Model with F.E.

The main function has as inputs a criminal offense in the panel dataset and a spatial weights matrix. Then, the function reports estimates of: - the parameters, \(\rho\), \(\xi\), \(\sigma_{\dot{u}}\), and \(\sigma_{\dot{v}}\), as described in equations (3), (4), and (5) in the paper,

\[\begin{eqnarray} y_{it} &=& \alpha_i + \rho\sum_{j=1}^N w_{ij}y_{jt} + \boldsymbol{x}_{it}'\boldsymbol{\beta} +\varepsilon_{it} \\ \varepsilon_{it}&=& \nu_{it} - u_{it} \end{eqnarray}\]


\[\begin{eqnarray} u_{it} = \xi\sum_{j=1}^N w_{ij}\dot{u}_{jt} + \dot{u}_{it} \hspace{0.5cm};\hspace{0.5cm} \nu_{it} = \xi\sum_{j=1}^N w_{ij}\dot{\nu}_{jt} + \dot{\nu}_{it} \end{eqnarray}\]

It also reports the (average) shares of Direct and Indirect (Spillover) Effects, as described in equation (11).

# (Function to conduct the 2-steps estimation)

main.fn <- function(Offense,W){

        df   <- Data %>% 
                    select(uniqueid, year, all_of(Offense)) %>% 
        nt   <- nrow(df)
        tobs <- nt/nobs

        df   <- df[order(df$year,df$uniqueid),] # sort by t and i (spatial panel)
        Y    <- matrix(df[[Offense]],nt,1)
        df$Y <- Y
        SWMp <- kronecker(diag(tobs) , W)
        df$Wy<- (SWMp%*%Y)
        X    <- model.matrix(~factor(year)-1,df)
        df   <- cbind(df,X[,-1])

        # 1. First stage:
        # 1.1. Transformation Approach for FE (Lee and Yu, 2010)
        df  <- df[order(df$uniqueid,df$year),]              # sort by i and t (panel)
        Q   <- diag(tobs)-(1/tobs)*matrix(1,tobs,tobs)
        F   <- kronecker(diag(nobs) , eigen(Q)$vectors[,1:(tobs-1)]) 
        Fy  <- t(F)%*%as.matrix(df$Y)
        FWy <- t(F)%*%as.matrix(df$Wy)
        FX  <- t(F)%*%as.matrix(df%>%select(starts_with("factor")))

        df.2 <-  df|>select(uniqueid,year)
        df.2 <- df.2[order(df.2$uniqueid,df.2$year),]       # sort by i and t (panel)
        Tyr  <- df.2$year[tobs]                             # latest year (t=T)
        df.2 <- subset(df.2, year!=Tyr)                     # Drop obs t=T 
        df.2 <- cbind(df.2,Fy,FWy,FX)
        df.2 <- df.2[order(df.2$year,df.2$uniqueid),]       # sort by t and i (spatial panel)

        # 1.2. Estimation (first-stage)
        SWMp.F<- kronecker(diag(tobs-1), W)
                stsls(Fy ~ . - 1,
                data = df.2%>%select(-c('uniqueid','year','FWy')),
        Rho   <- Stage1$coefficients[1]
        Beta  <- Stage1$coefficients[2:length(Stage1$coefficients)]
        # Alternatively, one could use 2SLS using as instruments: Z=cbind(SWMp%*%FX,SWMp%*%(SWMp%*%FX))
        # and the param are solve(t(cbind(FWy,FX))%*%PH%*%(cbind(FWy,FX)))%*%(t(cbind(FWy,FX))%*%PH%*%Fy)
        # where PH <- Z%*%solve(t(Z)%*%Z)%*%t(Z) , but the command runds faster

        # 2. Second stage:
        name.b <- gsub("`","",names(Beta))
        df     <- df[order(df$year,df$uniqueid),]
        X.used <- as.matrix(>%select(all_of(name.b)))
        Xb     <- (X.used)%*%as.matrix(Beta)
        rit    <- df$Y - (Rho*df$Wy) - Xb

        df.s2  <- cbind(df%>%select(uniqueid,year,Y),rit,Xb,X.used)          # Dataframe Stage 2
        df.s2  <- df.s2[order(df.s2$uniqueid,df.s2$year),]                   # sort by i and t (panel)
        df.s2  <- df.s2 |> group_by(uniqueid) |> mutate(alphaStar=mean(rit)) # alpha star
        df.s2  <- df.s2 |> group_by(uniqueid) |> mutate(ri=rit - mean(rit))  # rtilde
        E.eta.1<- mean(df.s2$rit)                                            # E(alpha_i+beta_0+v-u)

        # 2.1. Estimation (second stage)
        empty  <- array(numeric(), c(nobs,nobs,tobs)) 
        df.s2  <- df.s2[order(df.s2$year,df.s2$uniqueid),]                   # sort by t and i (spanel)
        temp.1 <- split(df.s2$ri, ceiling(seq_along(df.s2$ri)/nobs))
        for (tt in 1:tobs) {
                empty[,,tt] <- matrix(temp.1[[tt]])%*%t(as.matrix(temp.1[[tt]]))
        E.eta.2 <- rowSums(empty, dims = 2)/tobs        

        obj.fn  <- function(parm){ 
                .xi <- exp(parm[1])
                .sv <- exp(parm[2])
                .su <- exp(parm[3])
        theta <- optim(c(-3,0.01,0.01), obj.fn)                              # guess for xi based on SAC
        xi    <- exp(theta$par[1]) 
        sv    <- exp(theta$par[2])         
        su    <- exp(theta$par[3]) 
        sv2   <- sv^2
        su2   <- su^2 
        hat.E.u <- su*sqrt(2/pi)*(1+xi)
        df.s2$FE <- df.s2$alphaStar + hat.E.u

        df.s2   <- df.s2[order(df.s2$year,df.s2$uniqueid),]                 # sort by t and i (spanel)
        df.s2$vu<- (df.s2$ri - hat.E.u)                                     # v-u

        #2.2. s.e. (bootstrap)
        B        <- 50
        .twop    <- c(-(sqrt(5)-1)/2, (sqrt(5)+1)/2)                        
        .prob    <- rev(abs(.twop)/sqrt(5))
        Srho     <- (solve(diag(nobs) - Rho*W))                             
        A        <- (diag(nobs) + xi*W)
        SA       <- kronecker(diag(tobs),Srho%*%A)
        SA.F     <- kronecker(diag(tobs-1),Srho%*%A)

        df.2.b  <- df.2 |> select(c(uniqueid,year,all_of(name.b))) 
        df.2.b  <- df.2.b[order(df.2.b$year, df.2.b$uniqueid),]              # sort t,i (spanel)
        F.e.tild<- kronecker(diag(tobs-1),solve(A))%*%as.matrix(Stage1$residuals)
        FX.b    <- as.matrix(|>select(all_of(name.b)))
        Fy.temp <- (kronecker(diag(tobs-1),Srho))%*%( FX.b%*%as.matrix(Beta) )
        df.2.b$Fytemp <- Fy.temp 
        df.s2.b    <- df.s2 |> select(c(uniqueid,year,FE,vu,Xb,all_of(name.b))) 
        df.s2.b    <- df.s2.b[order(df.s2.b$year,df.s2.b$uniqueid),]            # sort t,i (spanel)
        e.tild     <- kronecker(diag(tobs),solve(A))%*%as.matrix(df.s2.b$vu)    
        df.s2.b$vuT<- e.tild
        y.tempNT   <- (kronecker(diag(tobs),Srho))%*%(as.matrix(df.s2.b$FE+df.s2.b$Xb))
        df.s2.b$yte<- y.tempNT

        out.b <- matrix(0,4,B)
        for (bb in 1:B) {
                e.b       <- e.tild*sample(.twop, size=length(e.tild), replace=T, prob=.prob)
                df.s2.b   <- df.s2.b[order(df.s2.b$year,df.s2.b$uniqueid),]     # sort t,i (spanel)
                df.s2.b$eB<- e.b
                df.s2.b$Yb<- df.s2.b$yte + SA%*%as.matrix(df.s2.b$eB)
                df.s2.b   <-df.s2.b[order(df.s2.b$uniqueid,df.s2.b$year),]      # sort i,t (panel)
                FYb       <- t(F)%*%as.matrix(df.s2.b$Yb)
                df.2.b    <- df.2.b[order(df.2.b$uniqueid,df.2.b$year),]        # sort i,t (panel)
                df.2.b    <- df.2.b[order(df.2.b$year,df.2.b$uniqueid),]        # sort t,i (spanel)

                        stsls(FYb ~ . - 1,
                        data = df.2.b%>%select(c(FYb,all_of(name.b))),
                Rho.b   <- Stage1.b$coefficients[1]
                Beta.b  <- Stage1.b$coefficients[2:length(Stage1.b$coefficients)]

                df.s2.b      <- df.s2.b[order(df.s2.b$year, df.s2.b$uniqueid),]  # sort t,i (spanel)
                df.s2.b$ritb <- df.s2.b$Yb - 
                                (Rho.b*(SWMp%*%as.matrix(df.s2.b$Yb))) - 
                df.s2.b   <- df.s2.b[order(df.s2.b$uniqueid,df.s2.b$year),]      # sort i,t (panel)
                df.s2.b   <- df.s2.b |> group_by(uniqueid) |> mutate(rib = ritb - mean(ritb)) 
                E.eta.1.b <- mean(df.s2.b$ritb)
                empty   <- array(numeric(), c(nobs,nobs,tobs)) 
                df.s2.b <- df.s2.b[order(df.s2.b$year, df.s2.b$uniqueid),]       # sort t,i (spanel)
                temp.1 <- split(df.s2.b$rib, ceiling(seq_along(df.s2.b$rib)/nobs))
                for (tt in 1:tobs) {
                        empty[,,tt] <- matrix(temp.1[[tt]])%*%t(as.matrix(temp.1[[tt]]))
                E.eta.2.b <- rowSums(empty, dims = 2)/tobs

                obj.fn.b  <- function(parm){ 
                        .xi <- exp(parm[1])
                        .sv <- exp(parm[2])
                        .su <- exp(parm[3])
                theta.b <- optim(c(-3,0.01,0.01), obj.fn.b)
                xi.b    <- exp(theta.b$par[1]) 
                sv.b    <- exp(theta.b$par[2])         
                su.b    <- exp(theta.b$par[3]) 
                sv2.b   <- (sv.b)^2         
                su2.b   <- (su.b)^2

            out.b[,bb] <- c(Rho.b,xi.b,su2.b,sv2.b) 
        se.b <- c(sd(out.b[1,]), sd(out.b[2,]), sd(out.b[3,]), sd(out.b[4,]))

  p.moran <- moran.test(e.tild, mat2listw(SWMp,style='C'), alternative="greater")$p.val
  #2.3. Underreporting
  mu.start <- -(su2)/(sv2+su2)*e.tild
  s2.start <-  (su2*sv2)/(sv2+su2)
  ait      <- -(mu.start/sqrt(s2.start))
  phi      <-   dnorm(ait)
  Phi      <-  (1-pnorm(ait))
  E.u.tild <- mu.start + sqrt(s2.start)*(phi/Phi)
  uhat     <- kronecker(diag(tobs),A)%*%E.u.tild
  df.s2    <- df.s2[order(df.s2$year,df.s2$uniqueid),]                # sort t,i (spanel)
  df       <- df[order(df$year, df$uniqueid),]                        # sort t,i (spanel)
  Diag   <- diag(diag(Srho))
  T.eff  <- kronecker(diag(tobs) , Srho)%*%uhat
  D.eff  <- (kronecker(diag(tobs), Diag)%*%uhat)/T.eff
  I.eff  <- (kronecker(diag(tobs), (Srho - Diag))%*%uhat)/T.eff   
  .name <- c("Rho", "Xi")
  .para <- c( Rho , xi)
  .se   <- c(se.b[1], se.b[2])
  .pval <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(.para/.se)))
  Re  <- createTexreg(
    coef.names  = .name,
    coef        = .para,
    se          = .se,
    pvalues     = .pval,
    gof         = c(sv2, su2, p.moran, nt),
    gof.names   = c("Sigma2_v", "Sigma2_u", "Res. Moran's I (pval)", "Num. obs."),
    gof.decimal = c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE),  = c(substring(Offense, first=7))

  return(list(Reg=Re, Shares=matrix(c(mean(D.eff),sd(D.eff),mean(I.eff),sd(I.eff)),2,2)))


4. Main Results (Tables 2)

Results in Panel A Table 2:

# Coeff in Panel A - T2

out.W <- lapply(aCr, main.fn, W)

       function(x) screenreg(out.W[[x]]$Reg, stars = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1), digits = 3, dcolumn = TRUE))
## [[1]]
## ===================================
##                        TheftHo     
## -----------------------------------
## Rho                       0.915 ***
##                          (0.158)   
## Xi                        0.185    
##                          (0.635)   
## -----------------------------------
## Sigma2_v                  0.291    
## Sigma2_u                  0.091    
## Res. Moran's I (pval)     0.205    
## Num. obs.              7343        
## ===================================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[2]]
## ===================================
##                        PersInj     
## -----------------------------------
## Rho                       0.562 ** 
##                          (0.249)   
## Xi                        0.582 ***
##                          (0.125)   
## -----------------------------------
## Sigma2_v                  0.187    
## Sigma2_u                  0.193    
## Res. Moran's I (pval)     1.000    
## Num. obs.              8392        
## ===================================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[3]]
## ===================================
##                        Homicid     
## -----------------------------------
## Rho                       0.792 ***
##                          (0.138)   
## Xi                        0.152 ***
##                          (0.028)   
## -----------------------------------
## Sigma2_v                  0.223    
## Sigma2_u                  0.086    
## Res. Moran's I (pval)     0.217    
## Num. obs.              9441        
## ===================================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[4]]
## ==================================
##                        TheftPe    
## ----------------------------------
## Rho                       0.241   
##                          (0.438)  
## Xi                        1.220 **
##                          (0.498)  
## ----------------------------------
## Sigma2_v                  0.223   
## Sigma2_u                  0.009   
## Res. Moran's I (pval)     1.000   
## Num. obs.              6294       
## ==================================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[5]]
## ===================================
##                        Extorsi     
## -----------------------------------
## Rho                       0.933 ***
##                          (0.100)   
## Xi                        0.000    
##                          (0.206)   
## -----------------------------------
## Sigma2_v                  0.083    
## Sigma2_u                  0.115    
## Res. Moran's I (pval)     1.000    
## Num. obs.              6294        
## ===================================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[6]]
## ===================================
##                        Sexualc     
## -----------------------------------
## Rho                       0.819 ***
##                          (0.146)   
## Xi                        0.061    
##                          (0.070)   
## -----------------------------------
## Sigma2_v                  0.194    
## Sigma2_u                  0.203    
## Res. Moran's I (pval)     0.535    
## Num. obs.              6294        
## ===================================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1

5. Shares (Table 3)

# Table 3: Shares
                      col.names = c('Direct Effect','Spillover Effect'), 
                      caption = paste0(substring(aCr[x],first=7), ' ; mean/sd'), "simple"))
## [[1]]
## Table: TheftHo ; mean/sd
##  Direct Effect   Spillover Effect
## --------------  -----------------
##          0.092              0.908
##          0.012              0.012
## [[2]]
## Table: PersInj ; mean/sd
##  Direct Effect   Spillover Effect
## --------------  -----------------
##          0.440              0.560
##          0.043              0.043
## [[3]]
## Table: Homicid ; mean/sd
##  Direct Effect   Spillover Effect
## --------------  -----------------
##          0.215              0.785
##          0.026              0.026
## [[4]]
## Table: TheftPe ; mean/sd
##  Direct Effect   Spillover Effect
## --------------  -----------------
##          0.760              0.240
##          0.005              0.005
## [[5]]
## Table: Extorsi ; mean/sd
##  Direct Effect   Spillover Effect
## --------------  -----------------
##          0.073              0.927
##          0.022              0.022
## [[6]]
## Table: Sexualc ; mean/sd
##  Direct Effect   Spillover Effect
## --------------  -----------------
##          0.187              0.813
##          0.042              0.042

6. Robustness check (Table 5)

Robustness checks using a Queen SWM.

# Table 5:
# Robustness check: Queen 
out.WQ <- lapply(aCr, main.fn, WQ)

       function(x) screenreg(out.WQ[[x]]$Reg, stars = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1), digits = 3, dcolumn = TRUE))
## [[1]]
## ===================================
##                        TheftHo     
## -----------------------------------
## Rho                       0.831 ***
##                          (0.078)   
## Xi                        0.000    
##                          (0.000)   
## -----------------------------------
## Sigma2_v                  0.332    
## Sigma2_u                  0.000    
## Res. Moran's I (pval)     1.000    
## Num. obs.              7343        
## ===================================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[2]]
## ===================================
##                        PersInj     
## -----------------------------------
## Rho                       0.993 ***
##                          (0.013)   
## Xi                        0.000    
##                          (0.037)   
## -----------------------------------
## Sigma2_v                  0.041    
## Sigma2_u                  0.301    
## Res. Moran's I (pval)     1.000    
## Num. obs.              8392        
## ===================================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[3]]
## ===================================
##                        Homicid     
## -----------------------------------
## Rho                       0.869 ***
##                          (0.084)   
## Xi                        0.000    
##                          (0.029)   
## -----------------------------------
## Sigma2_v                  0.000    
## Sigma2_u                  0.267    
## Res. Moran's I (pval)     1.000    
## Num. obs.              9441        
## ===================================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[4]]
## ===================================
##                        TheftPe     
## -----------------------------------
## Rho                       0.696 ***
##                          (0.211)   
## Xi                        0.000    
##                          (0.148)   
## -----------------------------------
## Sigma2_v                  0.010    
## Sigma2_u                  0.192    
## Res. Moran's I (pval)     1.000    
## Num. obs.              6294        
## ===================================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[5]]
## ===================================
##                        Extorsi     
## -----------------------------------
## Rho                       0.254    
##                          (0.242)   
## Xi                        0.281 ***
##                          (0.019)   
## -----------------------------------
## Sigma2_v                  0.153    
## Sigma2_u                  0.039    
## Res. Moran's I (pval)     0.932    
## Num. obs.              6294        
## ===================================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[6]]
## ===================================
##                        Sexualc     
## -----------------------------------
## Rho                       1.063 ***
##                          (0.003)   
## Xi                        0.000    
##                          (0.160)   
## -----------------------------------
## Sigma2_v                  0.091    
## Sigma2_u                  0.265    
## Res. Moran's I (pval)     1.000    
## Num. obs.              6294        
## ===================================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1

7. Other results

Other models in Table 1 (panels B and C for the SAC and SAR, respectively) using standard packages (see footnote 17 in the paper)

# Panels B and C T2:
# Other models using standard packages 

panel.sac.gmm  <- function(Offense){

    Data$y  <- Data[[Offense]]
    df      <- Data %>% 
                select(uniqueid, year, y) %>% 
    out <- summary(spgm(     
                y ~ factor(year), 
                data  = df, 
                index = c("uniqueid", "year"), 
                lag   = TRUE, 
                listw = mat2listw(W), 
                model = "within", 
                spatial.error = TRUE ))

    Re      <- createTexreg(
                coef.names  = c("Rho"),
                coef        = c(out$CoefTable[1,1]),
                se          = c(out$CoefTable[1,2]),
                pvalues     = c(out$CoefTable[1,4]),
                gof         = c(out$rho[1], out$rho[2]),
                gof.names   = c("Lambda", "sigma^2"),
                gof.decimal = c(TRUE,TRUE),
        = c(substring(Offense, first=7))

        return(screenreg(Re, stars = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1), digits = 3, dcolumn = TRUE))

# SAR:
panel.sar.gmm  <- function(Offense){
  Data$y  <- Data[[Offense]]
  df      <- Data %>% 
    select(uniqueid, year, y) %>% 
  out <- summary(spgm(     
    y ~ factor(year), 
    data  = df, 
    index = c("uniqueid", "year"), 
    lag   = TRUE, 
    listw = mat2listw(W), 
    model = "within", 
    spatial.error = FALSE ))
  Re      <- createTexreg(
    coef.names  = c("Rho"),
    coef        = c(out$CoefTable[1,1]),
    se          = c(out$CoefTable[1,2]),
    pvalues     = c(out$CoefTable[1,4]),
    gof         = c(out$sigmav),
    gof.names   = c("sigma2"),
    gof.decimal = c(TRUE),  = c(substring(Offense, first=7))
  return(screenreg(Re, stars = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1), digits = 3, dcolumn = TRUE))

# Other results in Table 2:
# Coeff in Panel B: SAC model with FE
lapply(aCr, panel.sac.gmm)
## [[1]]
## ===================
##          TheftHo   
## -------------------
## Rho       0.855 ***
##          (0.143)   
## -------------------
## Lambda    0.181    
## sigma^2   0.161    
## ===================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[2]]
## ================
##          PersInj
## ----------------
## Rho       0.186 
##          (0.133)
## ----------------
## Lambda    0.386 
## sigma^2   0.157 
## ================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[3]]
## ===================
##          Homicid   
## -------------------
## Rho       0.754 ***
##          (0.202)   
## -------------------
## Lambda    0.135    
## sigma^2   0.126    
## ===================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[4]]
## ===================
##          TheftPe   
## -------------------
## Rho      -0.524 ***
##          (0.169)   
## -------------------
## Lambda    0.586    
## sigma^2   0.100    
## ===================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[5]]
## ===================
##          Extorsi   
## -------------------
## Rho       1.027 ***
##          (0.124)   
## -------------------
## Lambda   -0.417    
## sigma^2   0.086    
## ===================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[6]]
## ===================
##          Sexualc   
## -------------------
## Rho       0.811 ***
##          (0.148)   
## -------------------
## Lambda    0.029    
## sigma^2   0.173    
## ===================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1

# Other results in Table 2:
# Coeff in Panel C: SAR model with FE
lapply(aCr, panel.sar.gmm)
## [[1]]
## ==================
##         TheftHo   
## ------------------
## Rho      0.915 ***
##         (0.112)   
## ------------------
## sigma2   0.162    
## ==================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[2]]
## ==================
##         PersInj   
## ------------------
## Rho      0.562 ***
##         (0.102)   
## ------------------
## sigma2   0.160    
## ==================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[3]]
## ==================
##         Homicid   
## ------------------
## Rho      0.792 ***
##         (0.164)   
## ------------------
## sigma2   0.127    
## ==================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[4]]
## ================
##         TheftPe 
## ----------------
## Rho      0.241 *
##         (0.131) 
## ----------------
## sigma2   0.106  
## ================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[5]]
## ==================
##         Extorsi   
## ------------------
## Rho      0.933 ***
##         (0.150)   
## ------------------
## sigma2   0.086    
## ==================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1
## [[6]]
## ==================
##         Sexualc   
## ------------------
## Rho      0.819 ***
##         (0.132)   
## ------------------
## sigma2   0.173    
## ==================
## *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1